We look forward to a successful 2023!
SAVE THE DATE: Friday, August 18, 2023, Beverly Hilton Hotel
More information to follow

The Annual Harold & Carole Pump Foundation Dinner was held on Friday, August, 19, 2022 at the Beverly Hilton. This event is known as the Grammy’s of Sports. Past honorees have included such iconic athletes as Muhammad Ali, Magic Johnson, Bill Russell, Derek Jeter, Joe Montana, and Shaquille O’Neal, as well as legends of the entertainment industry like Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J, and many others.
This year we were proud to honor Oscar De La Hoya, Ray Lewis, Ozzie Smith, Ken Goldin, Steve Madison for their dedication.The gala had a wonderful turnout with nearly 1,000 people in attendance to support the great work that the Pump brothers continue to do year after year. This year’s dinner raised an amazing $2.2 million.
The mission of the Foundation is to raise funds and create awareness for the treatment and cure of cancer. By engaging the community, sports leaders, and those touched by this disease, financial support is given to the development of cancer treatments, programs, and services, as well as the procurement of advanced medical technology.
Over the years Dana and David Pump continue to lead the way in fundraising for Cancer and have raised over $8.5 million for the Carole Pump Women’s Center, Harold and Carole Pump Department of Radiation Oncology, and the Leavey Cancer Center at Northridge Hospital Medical Center and other non-profit community charities.