21st Annual "Victory for Victims" C∙A∙T∙S Walk/Run
Saturday, April 15, 2023 at Hansen Dam in Lake View Terrace
The 21st Annual "Victory for Victims" C∙A∙T∙S Walk/Run recently took place at the Hansen Dam Aquatic Center in Lake View Terrace. It was great to see so many old and new faces participate at this years event. It was a beautiful Saturday morning enjoyed by all!
To view your race time results, please click HERE
For the last 20 years, thousands of participants have supported the Annual C∙A∙T∙S Walk/Run, raising money to support NHMC’s Center for Assault Treatment Services (C∙A∙T∙S) program. C∙A∙T∙S is a part of Dignity Health - Northridge Hospital Medical Center. It is the only 24/7/365 days a year immediate response program in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys providing forensic medical evidentiary examinations and interviews to victims of domestic, sexual assault, abuse, and human trafficking. We are also proud to be supporting our Medical Safe Haven (MSH) clinic which is the only program of its kind in Los Angeles that provides integrated medical and mental health services to victims of human trafficking.
To see all the photos from this years event, click HERE
We are happy to announce that we had 606 total participants, and 48 wonderful teams! Thank you to everyone who came out to participate and join this amazing cause! We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2024!
Thank you for helping create justice, hope, healing, and VICTORY.
Course Map Routes:
Funds raised from this year's event will benefit the following:
Center for Assault Treatment Services Center (C∙A∙T∙S) which provides forensic medical evidentiary examinations and interviews at no cost to victims of sexual assault, human trafficking and domestic violence.
Medical Safe Haven (MSH) which is the only program of its kind in Los Angeles that provides integrated medical and mental health treatment to human trafficking victims.