Spread the word about Jade's Legacy! Change suicide stigma! Be kind and compassionate! YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
The Jade Lee Marasigan Charitable Fund humbly asks for donations to benefit adolescents and young adults within our community. Your contributions will directly assist patients and families afford critical treatments and fund program operations. As the fund grows, we will be able to expand assistance and develop supplemental programmatic services. All donations are eligible as tax deductions - Northridge Hospital Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 fundraising organization (please consult your tax professional).
We would love the help of volunteers! From clerical work to fundraising events, networking to solicitation of donations - every little bit of support maximizes our impact.
Jade's parents continue to operate the small business that she started as owner and designer. Jade Lee Jewelry supports The Jade Lee Marasigan Charitable Fund by donating a portion of the profits from jewelry and merchandise sales. Please enjoy Jade's creative legacy at jadeleejewelry.bigcartel.com.
Thank you for your time, love and attention! Be inspired by Jade's life and spirit to make a positive difference.
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